
You know a lot coaches will try and give all these different concepts to be successful in this workout. They will tell you to do your pull ups one way or another. They will tell you to pace it. They will say that it is like running a 5k and to act accordingly. That is all well and good. It is all good info too. However, I am not going to bullshit you. This workout is all about heart. It is about you willing to put yourself out there on that floor to work for 20 minutes straight. There will be several gut check moments throughout this workout. How will you handle those? The best advice I can give you is to just be mentally strong. Yes, your burpees will get tough. Yes, the lunges will make everything harder. Yes, you should break your C2B’s up in order to control your heart rate. But when it comes down to it. It is still going to be you against the clock doing good old fashion CrossFit. If you can accept that, and mentally prepare yourself then you will do fantastic. Now here is some simple strategy. 

Two minute rounds gets you 10 rounds. 1:45-1:50 minute rounds get you 10-11 rounds. These are doable. Pace in way that you can manage to stay within the cap and treat like an EMOM or an E2OM (Every 2 Minutes on the Minute). Truly only the top athletes can do this though. So if you are not at the top. Try increasing that time. Shoot for a score under 10 rounds that is reasonable and adjust your time domains to that amount of rounds. If you lack C2B endurance do singles. Trust me, this will really help your score. Kill the lunges. This is doable no matter how tired you are. Then survive the burpees. You got this peeps. Good luck!

Fitness – Strength – Community


3 Rounds

10 Pass Throughs

10 OHS

10 Good Mornings

10 Scorpions




For Time:

5K Row

600 Double Unders

200 KBS (53/35) (44/26) (35/20)


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