
I want to take this time to wish my mother, Bonni Tromello, a very happy birthday. My mother truly is a special lady who I know was put on this earth to help others. I can’t tell you the amount of people that have gone out of their way to tell me how lucky I am to have a mother like I do. Although I truly do know, it is always nice to have a reminder. It is so easy to take for granted the amazing people in your life, especially your parents. However, when I get reminded, I always smile because I know it’s the truth. My mom is mine and my brother’s biggest fan. Her excitement over all our accomplishments can never be hidden. If we fail, she is always there to dust us off and tell us to try again. Because of her love, all things are forever possible. I love watching her with my children and my wife. She is so in love with all of them. She treats my wife like a daughter, always there to help her, and she is head over heels for her grandchildren. Watching her with them gives me a glimpse of what she was like with me as a child and often brings back old memories. She is just amazing in every way and I am honored to call her my mother. I also know she has touched many at Precision with her support and positive care as a health care provider. That, and she sure can throwdown in a workout, continuing to still put up PRs regularly. Have an awesome birthday week, Mom. Excited to do what ever you wish to make you happy. We all love you!




500 M. ROW

2 Rounds

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats


Hip Mobility


3 Rounds (At a walking Pace)

8 DB Strict Press (Your Choice)

6E DB Bent Row (Your Choice)

8 Supine BB Row (Adv. Rings)

8 Bar Roll Outs


Dead Lift

3 @ 70%

2 @ 75%

2 @ 85%

3 x 3 @ 65% (Touch & Go)



3 Rounds

20 Pistols

20 Pull Ups

*If can’t do Pistols RX sub is 40 Air Squats only!


Mobilize & Stretch

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