Besides my parents there are a handful of people that I can say have directly influenced my life. These people have helped mold me into the kind of parent, human, and coach that I am today. What I truly love about them is that they continue to do so. They continue to call me out when needed. They expect more from me in all walks of my life, and they have positively influenced me with their own actions. They have utterly become role models for me to emulate.
Greg Smiley is one of these people for me. Yes, we own Precision together. Yes, we are friends, and yes, I am his coach. However, Greg always goes out of his way to teach me. He keeps my ego in check and continually reminds me of what is most important. He talks to me about how to handle certain situations, gives me advice on how I should and should not react to things, and constantly puts things in perspective for me. Like all role models he constantly leads by example. He’s an amazing husband, brother, and father. Family comes first for him above all else. I remember when we first opened PC, I used to be annoyed that he was not putting in as much time as I was, then I realized something by watching him: He was putting in the right amount of time where I was putting in too much. Let me explain.

Watching the way Smiley juggled his full time job as a Sargeant for Santa Monica P.D., handled his duties at the gym, and stayed involved with his family inspired me. He never directly spoke about this with me. He just led by example, making his priorities clear. I remember thinking, “How does he do this? How am I ever going to be able to do the same?” I realized that Greg just relies on others doing what they should do…something I have trouble doing. Precision would have to wait at times because all things revolve around his family’s schedule and then his career (although, here we are a little different in regards to the fact that Precision is an extension of what I do for a living). I realized I could still learn from his example. It really just came down to two things: to make my priorities clear by putting my family first, and to rely on others, like Jose Cobain and Daimino Stewart, to do what they are exceptional at.

Now, I expect Greg to miss Friday night classes in the fall due to football season, and weekends in the spring and summer due to lacrosse tournaments. Why? Because he’s doing the most important thing of all–being an exceptional parent. I think Greg has the same expectations of me these days. I take time to pick my kids of early from day care now. I get home earlier at night. I make it a point to watch my kids more when my wife is out of town on business. Because of Greg’s example, nobody bats an eye.

I want to thank Greg for everything he has and continues to teach me. For working on my communication skills and the way I conduct myself. For keeping me accountable in regards to my behavior and actions. Without you, buddy, I truly would not be the father, man, or coach I am today. I’m truly blessed to have you in my life. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Here’s to another year closer to 50! #crossfitgames2017



500 M. Row


3 Rounds

10 High Shrugs

10 High Pulls

10 Front Squats

10 Push Jerks


Mobilize Shoulders


Work to a new Clean & Jerk (Test)

*Once you have found your Clean & Jerk continue on to find your 1RM Clean.

**Rep. example: 3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1 or 10 x 1


“Grace” (Barbell Capacity – Phosphagen Test)

For Time

30 Clean & Jerks (135/95) (115/75) (95/65) (75/55)

5 Min. Break

500 M. Row For Time (Blood Lactate Threshold High Intensity Test)


Lax Ball Lats and Glutes

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