Reebox has coined CrossFit as “The Sport of Fitness” and although CrossFit has become a sport it does not mean you have to be competing competitively to enjoy its benefits. Other local CrossFit’s have coined our box as the gym where highly competitive CrossFiters go to train. Although, we don’t mind them stating this about us, and actually consider it a compliment that they think many high levels CrossFiters would choose to train with us. This really is not the case. When you walk into the box and see Jill and Jamie throwing down you can tell right away that CrossFit to them is about overall well-being, not competition. When you witness Braden drop his kids of in the play room and then PR on back squat you realize what CrossFit means to Braden, staying fit to be a Dad. When you help Pat and Lynn work on getting their first MU you realize that CrossFit is about overcoming obstacles to them. At Precision we just focus on what we think CrossFit is… making YOU better in all walks of life. Whether it be making you a better husband or wife, a father or mother, a better person, a humble person, a more confident person, or even if it is competing someday in a competition. Our goal is to help everyone overcome. Only you can determine what that means. We understand that by others stating that we only focus on one demographic may help them gain more business but in the long run those that want to experience a real CrossFit box will find us. It’s only a matter of time. Fitness-Strength-Community

Cute pic from this morning!


400 M. Row

2 Rounds:

5 Pass Throughs Over

5 Pass Throughs Under

10 Back Squats

20 Sec. Hand Stand Hold

10 Lunges


3×5 Ring Swings

3×5 Ice Cream Makers


3×5 Sqt. Snatch (65%)

*Work Technique!!




Muscle Up

Squat Snatch (135/95) (115/75) (95/65) (75/55)

*Sub MU with MU Transitions or C2B Pull Ups and Ring Dips


Foam Roll & Lacrosse Ball Lats and Shoulders

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