Check out Coach Mike’s latest PODCAST with the Grundler Brothers. They go over some really fun stuff including James’s breakthrough performance at the 2016 CrossFit Games, and the importance of having something beyond your training to keep you anchored. Bill goes into depth about what it really means to be an aging athlete, explaining that more is never better; better is always better. Mike talks about giving Bill and James smart volume at the right time during the lead up to competition, and they put their guesswork together for a preview of the 2017 CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin.

If you’d like to get more insight on the ins and outs of being a Masters athlete, be sure to check out Bill Grundler’s Master Experience seminar at the gym this Saturday, July 22nd. Sign up at the front desk or click the link above.

Fitness – Strength – Community


400 M. Run or Row

10 Walking High Knee Holds

10 Walking Flamingo’s

10 Walking Lunges

10 Inch Worms

10 Side Lunges

10 High Kicks





ODD: ADV =7 Strict C2B Pull Ups / INT = 7 Strict Pull Ups / BEG = 7 Weighted Ring Rows

EVEN: ADV & INT = 7 Strict Ring Dips / BEG = 5 Bar Dips w/ a 3 Sec. Negative



Every 3 Min… (Until Failure)

15 Cal. Row


*Start at 8 and add 2 reps each round until you can’t complete the work required within the time frame.

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