Thank you! Every day we walk into Precision we are constantly reminded by your love for our box and for one another. The energy is evident and we have received several compliments in regards to the amazing vibe that is within Precision on a daily basis. None of this could be possible without an amazing coaching staff and support group willing to do what is necessary to make the gym what it is on a daily basis. From Katie in the morning, and Matt at lunch, to Winnie in the afternoon these coach’s do a phenomenal job. But what really makes Precision special are the rest of you. Thank you all for believing in us during this journey and for helping us all grow well beyond what we ever thought possible in such a short period. We have several new members please help welcome them to our family. We know you all will. We are humbled by you all, thank you!


400 M. Row
2 Rounds
20 Sec. Handstand Hold
10 Sqts.
10 Inch Worms

3×5 Handstand Lower Downs
(Mod. with box)

Pair With:

3xMax Effort L Sit Holds

Close Grip Bench Press
5×5 (65%)

4 Rounds
500 M. Row
400 M. Run

Foam Roll

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