I woke up this morning extremely grateful to have Precision CrossFit. Lately, Smiley and I have been doing a ton of reminiscing in figuring out the next step for Precision. We have spoken about how we started, what we started with, and the partners we have had to help us get off the ground. Most importantly, we have reminisced about our community. Precision offers so much more than just a place to workout. It offers a place of solitude, friendship, and togetherness. People want to be a part of who we are. They initially come in because they heard great things, like our programming, and had good experiences with our coaches. However, they are staying, flourishing really, because of our community. Each and every one of you who make up the WALL OF BLUE and choose to throw a TEAM PRECISION shirt on, represent so much more than a gym. You represent a family. You represent mine and Greg’s vision of what we wanted Precision CrossFit to become. Going to the various weddings throughout this last year really drove that home each time. We were just in awe, and dare I say proud of what we were seeing. The everlasting bonds that have been formed are just magical.

As Greg and I meet, we always discuss you guys. Lately one question has come up. Keeping in mind what’s best for everyone, we wonder what’s next? We are looking into some big things guys. In the coming weeks we will be adding a new parking lot to the gym to lessen evening traffic. Some new equipment is always being brought in. Dr. Wade has expanded his hours that he spends with us. However, there might be even more coming. What if Precision were to grow beyond its current walls? As exciting as it sounds, it is both scary and invigorating at the same time. Can we keep the same community with multiple locations? If we do this, can we maintain the same excellence Precision CrossFit is known for? We think we can. Well actually, let me rephrase that. We know we can! Whether it happens now or not, we think Precision is ready to move forward into the future. To expand the WALL OF BLUE, and our concepts. If it were to happen, Greg and I both know that we would do everything we could to be successful, and most importantly to grow our community without losing what we stand for. One community made stronger by all and divided by none. Fitness forged on the concepts of great coaching, well thought out structured programming, and togetherness. With this we give you the strength to stand up to anything in your life. Whether it be a local competition, a family illness, or your own demons. With this it breeds a community of excellence in the work place, for your family, and in the gym. Whatever you want to accomplish we will be there to help you see it through. I do not know where Precision CrossFit is going to go. But I know it is never going to stop striving for excellence and that is all I need to know. To the future!




3 Rounds

30 Double Unders

10 Pass Through’s

10 OHS

10 Good Mornings

10 Bumper Jacks


Hip & Shoulder Mobility


Plank Complex

3 x 1 Min. Hold

:20 Forward

:10 Right Arm Forward

:10 Left Arm Forward

:10 Right Leg Up

:10 Left Leg Up

*Rest 1 Min. between sets.


Front  Squat

7 @ 65%

5 @ 70%

3 @ 80%

*2 Rounds (7,5,3 then 7,5,3 again)



For Time:


100 Double Unders

40 Air Squats

75 Double Unders

30 V-Ups

50 Double Unders


*Sub. HSPU for H.R. Push Ups accordingly.


Shoulder Mobility

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