I know that I have not written anything other than re-caps and birthday posts in a long while. I have just been so fantastically busy! Between the Team Precision and Tromello Programming athletes dragging me all across the nation as well as the daily programming and operation of the gym, I have had trouble finding time. Honestly, I used to write as a way to stay more involved. However, now I am seeing everyone so much more! I have never felt more a part of my own gym than I do now. I have finally gotten to meet and coach so many of the amazing members of Precision. I have gotten to spend time with my coaching staff and help aid their development more. In addition, I have gotten to write and speak more on camera for Breaking Muscle about my true passion for CrossFit, competition programming, and gym running. In case you were wondering where these articles are, you can find them here: ARTICLES BY COACH MIKE. So far I have been able to write 7 new articles and I am proud of each and every one of them. We now also have a movement library that you can find here: TROMELLO PROGRAMMING MOVEMENT LIBRARY. As you can see, my wheels have been spinning and although I have not blogged as much as in the past, I have been working really hard to bring Precision and the CrossFit community tons of new info and advice, especially with the 2017 Open upon us. It is nice to no longer be restricted by limited hours of availability. Being at Precision full time has been a blessing for me. I have never been as happy as I am now. I see my kids almost every morning. I can make them breakfast, snuggle with them, get them ready for school, and drop them off at school. I also have more energy for my wife when I get home in the evening and I truly feel our relationship is the strongest it has ever been, and we have been together for 18 years! Precision, I am loving what 2017 has in store for us all. Wodapalooza was an incredible experience for our athletes with amazing performances and podiums! The Team Precision athletes and the Wall of Blue has never looked so good and I am truly excited for this year’s CrossFit Games Open. Remember, we all help our team qualify for Regionals and it is now time to put the past year of programming to the test! Wall of Blue… are you ready?


Fitness – Strength – Community


500 M. Row 

3 Rounds

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats




Dead Lift

21 – 15 – 9

*Rest 2 Min. between sets.

**Find a weight you can go unbroken with for each set.



AMRAP 25 (With a partner)

40 Box Jump Overs (24) (20) (12)

50 Air Squats

60 Push Ups

80 Cal. Row

10 Rope Climbs

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