
I have had a few discussion as of late in regards to how I feel when people leave Precision. Most of the people asking this question are other business owners or members just inquiring to my thoughts on the matter. To be honest it really does not bother me much. We do have a very high retention rate at Precision so those that do leave us, usually leave because they are moving away or just simply can’t afford us anymore. Of course we have lost a few people over the years to other gyms. However, that is common in CrossFit. Many of those that make up the Wall of Blue have come from other gyms as well. Heck so did Greg and I when we opened back in 2012. It is easy to get angry as a business owner and feel betrayed because that is the community side of things in CrossFit. However, I like to look at the latter. If someone moves I wish them well, and help them find a box elsewhere. If someone can not afford it I will sometimes offer them a discount for a month to help them get on their feet. If someone leaves to another gym then I analyze what we may have done wrong to loose their business. Now, this is hard to for some to do. However, I feel that is necessary in business to always do this. It is so easy to become complacent. Doing the status quo day in and day out can burn out coaches and owner a like. So I will analyze my class structure, how a movement is taught, how my coaches teach the programming, how I am programming, how we and the community accept and interact with each other, etc. I will break everything down. Then I will make changes where needed. I am not afraid to do this. I have had multiple conversations with members close to me who have given me valuable insight for what they would like to see changed… and you know what? I made those changes. There is no room for ego when you are offering people an experience day in and day out. People come to Precision not for what we offer them but for why we offer it. They know we care. They know we put tons of time into our class structure and programming. They know we will coach them to best of our abilities, and they know they will come into a environment full of love and support. Now, I know for some our environment might not be the right fit for them. I completely understand that. In the long run it is about what is best for you. If another gym or style of workout is what they think is best than I accept that fact and move on. It makes not sense to dwell on those that have left. However, it makes all the sense in the world to focus on those people who choose to stay. For those of you who have moved away. You are always a part of the Wall of Blue and I thank you for your awesome messages and for continuing to follow us on our journey. For those of you who have not been able to afford to come back. I look forward to seeing you again when you are able. To those of you who have left us for something else. I truly thank you. You have given us a reason to become better, to not become complacent, and to constantly strive for greatness day to day. That is a gift full of lessons that are always worth learning. 

Fitness – Strength – Community


TEAM WOD – 8 & 10AM


400 M. Run


3 Rounds

10 Pass Through

10 Good Mornings

10 OHS

10 Inch Worms

10 Scorpions


Warm up Partner Dead Lifts

WOD:  (Teams of 4)

For Time: 

150 Partner Wall Balls (20) (16) (14) (10)

25 Muscle Ups

50 Partner Dead Lifts(420) (330) (240)

100 Partner Wall Balls

15 Muscle Ups

50 Partner Dead Lifts

50 Partner Wall Balls

10 Muscle Ups

50 Partner Dead Lifts

*Sub. Muscle Ups for Burpee + C2B Pull Up’s or Bar Muscle Ups Accordingly.

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