
We would like to wish a very happy birthday to Laura Novak! Laura and her husband Mario have became huge parts of the Precision community. To the point where I consider their opinions and thoughts to be extremely valuable. They are both so eager to learn and willing to try new things. I have found Laura to be an extremely patient person with a heck of sense of humor. I love hearing her one liners and that funny go-lucky attitude of hers will put a smile on anyone’s face. On the athletic side of things, Laura has gotten quite good at the movements. She has improved so rapidly, and it so impressive to watch. She has often put up weight in workouts where I do double take at the whiteboard. I really am very proud of her! You are awesome, Laura! Have a very happy birthday and enjoy the day!!


400 M. Run or Row

3 Rounds

5 Push Ups

10 Sit Ups

15 Air Squats


Hip Mobility


3 Rounds (At a Walking Pace)

10 Assisted Glute-Ham Extensions

10 BB Bent Row

10 Bar Roll Outs



10 x 1

*Work to a heavy single.



5 Rounds 

20 Wall Ball (20/14) (16/10) (10/6)

20 H.R. Push Ups 

20 Sit Ups 


Roll & Stretch


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