Today we start our baseline testing to see where we are after Cycle 1 of our 2020-21 programming. Once this test week is concluded. I’ll have a better understanding on where I want to take our programming for you all to achieve your best results over the course of the next 26 weeks. As I have stated in previous blogs, everyone needs a goal to work towards when it comes to fitness, a calendar to follow if you will. I judge Precision’s yearly plan on prepping the gym for the Open and for some… Sanctionals. Whether you do the events or not it gives the gym as a whole an end game, a light at the end of the tunnel. As an individual you may have a separate goal for yourself or date in which you want to be at a certain point and I would be more than happy to meet with you to set a plan for you in order to achieve this. However, for the sake of the blog our plan is based on a 52 week calendar year in preparation for the CrossFit Games event’s. As of right now we have 26 weeks until the 2020 Open. The idea is to peak by the Open and let that be our 3rd testing phase. Our training calendar can be found in previous blogs. Obviously, it will change a little with various athlete’s taking on different events. I try and stay up to date but you get the idea of what I want to accomplish and that is the main goal. If you would like a separate personal version of this I would be happy to send you one.

I have broken this test cycle into just 1 week. Monday – Wednesday are test days. Thursday is a recovery 5K Row day. Saturday will be just a fun Team Wod day. However, Sunday during endurance club Peter will be issuing our endurance test. I highly recommend you try and hit all the tests this week. Especially if you’re trying to achieve the best results possible. Regardless of level. Do your best to hit these assesments. Improvement is what we are training for. It is important to know where you stand and to log your progress. This way I can get a good idea as to where you are at and to make adjustments for you personally so you can accomplish your goals. As I said previously… I am here to make you better. All the members of Precision CrossFit mean a great deal to me. I want to see you improve. I am always available for a meeting to discuss your goals and to help you reach them. I know the Open and Sanctionals is not on the table for many of you so I want to know what is and we will do everything in our power as coaches to help you prepare. I look forward to hearing from some of you and can’t wait to see all of your improvements! Please let us know if you P.R. in anything, share it and even film it. I would love to post it.

Fitness – Strength – Community

400 M. Row
10 Y’s, T’s, & W’s
10 Reverse Fly’s
2 Rounds
10 Lunge w/ Pass Through
10 Good Mornings
10 OHS
5 Inch Worms + Scorpions

SKILL: (Pull Up Strength / Capacity Test)
Weighted Strict Pull Up
Find a 1RM
Rest as needed:
For Time:
30 Pull Ups
*Adv. do C2B
LIFT: (Back Squat 1RM)
Back Squat
10 x 1 (Every 90 Sec.)
*Find a new 1RM
WOD: (Capacity – Fast Glycotic)
For Time:
65/55 Cal. Assault Bike
*EMOM 3 G20 (95/65)
**7 Min. Cap
***Start on the bike

SKILL: (Pull Strength / Capacity Test)
For Time:
50 Ring Rows
LIFT: (Back Squat Endurance Strength)
Back Squat
5 x 5
*Find a 5RM. Go as heavy as you can for 5 reps.
WOD: (Fast Glycotic Test)
For Time:
1K / 800 M. Row
50/40 Wall Ball (20/14)
20/16 Cal. Bike
*10 Min. Cap

SKILL: (Abdominal Test)
M.E. Hollow Hold
*Rest 2 Min.
M.E. Hollow Rocks
3 × M.E. Wall Sit
*3 attempts. Hold as long as you can.
**Rest as needed
WOD: (Fast Glycotic Test)
For Time:
800 M. Run
50/40 Squat Jumps
50 Double Unders (100 SU)
*10 Min. Cap

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