Back in May we officially began our new training cycle for the 2017-2018 calendar year. We started with baseline testing to be re-tested at the beginning of each new quarter. Can you believe quarter one is already over?! Each training mesocycle will focus on compounding elements building upon each other for ultimate results. In cycle one we focused on improving technical efficiency particularly that of the barbell pathway in regards to our lifts. We spent a tremendous of amount of time on our overhead and mid line stability, and we set up a strength base to be built upon over the next 2 cycles. It is now time to assess our progress which is big when it comes to getting the results we want. It also helps me greatly with the programming to make sure that I am going in the right direction with you all. This time around we will be testing the same things as before. In addition, now you will see some different workouts in order to test the same energy systems. However, we will maintain a similar order as in cycle 1 and some of the tests will repeat. This way we can keep as many variables out of it as possible to help ensure results. If you are looking to improve, I highly suggest making all the test workouts or finding a way to get them done. Make sure to log all the workouts, lifts, and skills tested. It is imperative you do this to track your progress, so you can achieve the best possible outcome.

As stated in May, the programming is being designed from a strength & conditioning perspective. I have broken down all the movements of CrossFit as well as the body’s energy systems that need to be stressed in order to achieve the best results. By breaking down what it means to be fit, I am able to scale, modify, and adjust workouts according to ability level. What we are looking to achieve is ultimate levels of fitness and that is exactly the goal of the programming when I laid out the 52 week training year. The 2018 CrossFit Games Open is roughly 29 weeks from now. It will be fun to see how we all do in the year. Above is this year’s updated training plan. I will constantly be updating the plan throughout the year and posting it. Schedules and events always change. See you all in the gym!

Fitness – Strength – Community


400 M. Run or Row

3 Rounds

10 Pass Throughs

10 Good Mornings

10 Front Squats

10 Push Press




Pull Up Assessment


Max Effort Set of Strict Pull Ups

Rest 2 Min. 

Max Effort Set of Unbroken Pull Ups


Max Effort Set of Ring Rows

Rest 2 Min.

Max Effort Set of Hollow Rocks


10 Find to Find a new 1RM Front Squat

*Examples 3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1 or 10 x 1

WOD: (Capacity – Fast Glycotic)



Thruster (95/65) or a weight you can do 30 x’s unbroken

Pull Ups


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