
I recently found out that my Grandmother has Ovarian Cancer. Wow, this would be a shock to anyone. But to be honest I think it hurts more because I have had only known one Grandmother in my life. Yeah that is correct. I have only known one Grandmother. Other than my immediate family, my brother and I did not grow up in a very close nit family. Where many family’s hang out with cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents. We never really got to know ours. You see, they live on the East Coast and due to one thing or another mainly kept to themsleves. My Father’s Mother died before I was born and his Father never really had anything to do with us until he was close to his own demise. The only grandparents my bro and I ever knew where our Mom’s Step Father, our Poppie, and her Mother, our Grammie.
Poppie treated us like we were his own grandchildren and loved us uncondionally. He taught me two very important things before he passed away. How to love your life partner with all the heart and soul you can muster. He loved our Grammie to death, and to never give up on a dream. I always remember him being optomistic and he gave me words of encouragment with what ever it was that I was pursueing. He would never let me show a shred of doubt in front of him and always believed in my talents. So much in fact that he as asked my college defensive coordinator during my sophomore year “why he was not playing his grandson?” Upon satisfaction with his discussion that my coach really had no apparent reason, he left him alone. Hahaha… he was not afraid to speak his mind. When he passed away my Grandmother was devastated and rightfully so. She had lost her best friend, companion in life. Now she is sick. At first I was not sure how much fight she would have in her. I know my Grandfather would make her fight. He faught heart disease for years before cancer finally claimed him and even then he never gave up. So it was awesome to pick up the phone and hear my Grandmother say “I am gonna fight this sweatheart. I’m not ready to go anywhere yet.” This brought a tear to me eye and made me very proud. I think she knew I needed to hear those words, and I know it would make my Poppie proud. You know sometimes it seems like doing a wod or hitting a PR is everything. We act like CrossFit is everything. We get angered by funny things like not hitting enough reps in a workout or not being able to do double unders. In reality that is not life. Fighting cancer is real life. We CrossFit to keep ourselves healthy. We CrossFit because we don’t like to quit. Just like my Grammie she is not a quitter and she is not ready to give up on life. Someday maybe one of us will have to battle against something as serious as this. Regardless of what it is. Just don’t ever quit! The rest will take care of itself. I got your back Grammie and I know I got an army behind me who has your back as well, whether you know who they are or not. Love you!

“Don’t give up, don’t ever give up” – Jimmy V

3 Rounds
30 Double Unders (90 Singles)
10 Push Ups
10 Air Squats

3×10 Ring Push Ups

Pair With

3×10 Pistols

*Que. shoulder stability and balance

Front Sqts.

20 Min. AMRAP
15 Sit Ups
15 KBS (70/53) (53/44) (44/35) (35/26)
400 M. Run

*Adv. GHD Sit Ups

Hip Mobility Work

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