For those of you who have never read Dan’s story. Here it is! Enjoy and Happy Birthday to you Dan!

You know so many of our competitors label Precision CrossFit as the “Competition Gym.” They do this as a way of covering up their short comings. This can be due to a lack of programming knowledege, coaching abilities, or bussiness savvy. One thing I can tell you about Precision is that when you walk in… it is never what you expect. Yes, we do have superior athletes. However, they are but a small inspiring part of who we are. We have athletes, yes, I call them athletes, from all walks of life that make up TEAM PRECISION. We are not a competition gym. We are a gym that does its job. That focuses on the little things to offer a superior product to our members. Due to this, we have stories of triumph that go well beyond the boundaries of going to the California Regional, The CrossFit Games, or the USA Weightlifting Nationals. We have stories like Dan Riggs, father to Crystal Plouffe (Riggs) who wanted to lose weight for his baby girl’s wedding. In doing so, Dan found a second home, and with the fantastic coaching of Hunter Knowles, Jose Cobian, and Daimino Stewart he managed to lose 105 lbs. What is even better is he still continues to lose. He becomes healthier and healthier each month, with a ton of energy to play with his grandkids, and head to weightlifting meets to cheer on his little girl. Here is Dan’s story. Enjoy!



I started this journey in mid-September, 2014 as a defeated retired, older, overweight 318 pound man looking for some help.  Having retired in 2011, I needed a focus, other than fork.  I have belonged to many gyms throughout my life and was never pushed to excel or pushed to do more than I thought I could.  Crystal or Mrs. Plouffe was doing amazing lifts and loves this gym!  (Now, I understand!)  She was competing in competitions and her bubbly enthusiasm was truly inspiring!  I am more than proud of her and what Precision has done for her with her National ranking.  At one of her competitions, I talked to Mike Tromello and asked if Crossfit was for me?  He assured me that Precision could bounce me back into shape and would work toward my goals.  (My goal was to lose weight for Crystal’s wedding).  I walked into the gym with all of these amazing young fit athletes doing amazing things with weights, rings and kettle bells, and thought to myself…”what the heck am I doing here?”  “Heck”, wasn’t the word I thought to myself!

This is where I met Hunter Knowles, he was amazing!  Never condescending or patronizing, he put me to work and modified my workout.  I remember not being able to squat and having to hold on to the bar for balance to get back up.  Then, he went on to bigger and better things with the Police academy. I was really worried, thinking my trainer had gone and what is going to happen to me?…who is this Jose guy?

Then, I was introduced to the most incredible, thoughtful and amazing young man who really cared about me, Jose Cobian.  He too, never condescending or patronizing, always listens to my aches and pains and comes up with creative modifications to the workout when required.  He is an amazing athlete and trainer!  I enjoyed watching him compete at Regionals.  I think he is just a good kind hearted young man.  I would suggest giving him a raise??  Just sayin.

Now, that I am going 4 days weekly.  I have had the pleasure of working out with Daimino Stewart on Tuesdays and Thursdays…what a stud!  He too, is an amazing athlete.  I love watching him lift and he too modifies my workout and is very inspiring.  What the heck….give him a raise too!

Mike….I now weigh 218 pounds with a 105 pound weight loss…not quite at my goal of 215 but, I feel so much better, changing my diet and routine.  I am sure the additional weight loss will come.  Thanks for the inspiration pushing me further than I ever thought possible, the tools, the facility, the trainers and the amazing athletes I work out with.

I apologize for using “amazing” so many times in this letter, it couldn’t be helped.

Thanks for saving my life and giving me a purpose!

Dan Riggs

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400 M. Run or Row
10 Swimmers
10 Wall Slides
10 Wall Facing OHS
2 Rounds
10 Pass Throughs
10 Good Mornings
10 OHS
10 Snatch Extension
10 Snatch Pull

SKILL: (Ring MU Capacity Test)
MIN. 1-6 = ADV: 1 Strict MU + 2 Kipping MU / INT: 2 Kipping MU / BEG: 2 Ring Dips
MIN. 7-10 = + 1 Kipping MU each minute until failure
*7=+3, 8=+4, 9=+5, 10=+6
**Stop when you fail to complete the reps required in the minute.
*Build to 80% of 1Rm
WOD: (Strength Capacity Test)
MIN. 1-5
Find 1RM Snatch
MIN. 5-15
Ring Muscle Up
Squat Snatch (135/95)
MIN. 15-20
Find 1RM Snatch
*Goal is to match your 1st and last snatch numbers.
**Sub. Bar MU, MU Banded Transitions, or 18-14-10 Burpee Pull Ups.

SKILL: (Midline Stability Test)
Max Effort L Sit Hold
*Rest 2 Min.
Max Effort Hollow Hold
*Rest 2 Min.
Max Effort Headstand Hold (No Wall)
LIFT: (Press Strength Endurance Test)
Strict Press
*Build to a 10 Rep Max.
WOD: (Slow Glycotic Capacity Test)
For time: (20 Min. Cap)
10 DB Snatches (50/35)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 DB Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
30 DB Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
40 DB Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
50 DB Snatches
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
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