We would like to wish a very happy birthday to Greg Marx! Greg has been with us for over 2 years now and we could not be more proud to have him. He’s a huge part of Precision who has not only dedicated himself to being the best person, teammate, and parent he can be, but now a coach. Greg has spent the last few months attaining his USAW and CrossFit L1 certifications. Often I see him in the gym offering his help whenever he can. Not only does he understand the movements but he understands how to make adjustments as well. This is a skill within itself. Throw in Greg’s contagious enthusiasm and overwhelming love for his teammates and you have a true recipe for success. As a coach I love nothing more than to watch my athletes become great coaches themselves. I could not be more proud to have Greg become a part of the Precision coaching staff soon. Happy birthday big guy, enjoy!
400 M. Run / Row
2 Rounds
10 Pass Throughs
10 OHS
10 Good Mornings
10 Snatch Balances
Shoulder Mobility
2-5 Strict HSPU
*Work from where you are in your progressions.
2 @ 65%
2 @ 75%
2 @ 85%
2 @ 90%
2 @ 85%
5 Rounds
500 M. Row
10 Snatch
*Start @ 60% 1RM & add 10lbs. each round.
Shoulder & Hip Mobility