You will notice when you walk into Precision today that the new barbell area is complete and ready for use! We are so elated that we are able to bring you this awesome addition. All your cubbies have been moved into the new space. We apologize for anything that may have been misplaced. Throughout the week we will be moving some other stuff around, so please bear with us while we do this. Our goal is to efficiently use both areas. However, we are not entirely sure what this means yet, hahaha. On another note I want to discuss a few things about our new addition that are very important to sustaining the wall of blue.

We are a family, and because of this, we ask those who will be using the space to please not hide out in there. Show your face as much as possible and work out with a class on the regular. It is important that we do this for togetherness. This is the most important thing to us at Precision. We are one team. If we let a space divide us, then what else can? Please keep this in mind as you walk into the gym everyday to train. This being said, we have made some exciting changes to our class structure.

As many of you have noticed already, we are changing up the way we run classes to ensure everyone works through the class together. Because of this you will see a slight change in the programming on the blog. We are doing this to allow more time in class for coaching everyone through our warm up, skill, and lifts. We have already gotten rave reviews about this change. In addition, we have added a second coach to our evening classes. Due to the size of these classes, we feel that these changes will ensure that everyone feels involved and coached. We also wanted to go to this structure as a way of bringing out community closer. In addition, we are also now requiring all our competitors to take full classes throughout the week as much as possible. They have already started doing this and it has been awesome to see the interactions. As Precision grows, we all need to stick together to ensure our community. Enjoy, everyone!

Fitness – Strength – Community


1 Round

10 Y’S

10 T’S

10 W’S

10 Reverse Fly’s

10 Face Pulls


3 Rounds

10 Pass Throughs

10 Good Mornings

10 OHS


Hip Mobility


3 x 60 Sec. Plank

*Rest 1 Min. 


Front Squat

3 @ 65%

3 @ 70%

3 x 3 @ 75%



5 Rounds

500 M. Row

20 Pull Up’s


10 Y’S

10 T’S

10 W’S

10 Reverse Fly’s

10 Face Pulls


Mobilize & Stretch

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