I wanted to elaborate a bit on my article “THE IMPORTANCE OF RESPECTING THE CROSSFIT PROCESS. When I wrote this article it was based off the years of coaching experience I have in regards to all sports including CrossFit. The article has been shared on many different forums and has received much acclaim. However, this means nothing to me if people are not actually following my advice, especially in my own gym! Most of you truly work very smart and really take your recovery and overall health and wellness seriously. Yet, I still see many of you going too big in workouts or most importantly loosing technique during lifts. You assume that pure athleticism will get you through. I hate to break it to you. No athleticism in the world will ever outweigh poor technique! I don’t care who you are, technique is everything. I have sat there and coached not only my athletes, but also our coaches on proper technique. I feel that our coaches are very well versed in not only the execution of proper form, but also in the energy pathways that make up CrossFit. They are the best and if they were not I would not hire them. I trust their opinions and rely heavily on their knowledge and expertise. So when one of them coaches you up, listen! I hate to break it to you but they know better than you do. If they do not then you better believe I will make sure they do next time.

Precision you have all improved greatly so far this year. I know some of you have higher expectations than others and that is great. However, if you do not respect the CrossFit process than you will not reach the goals you have set forth for yourself. As I have stated in the past you can’t pick up a baseball and in one year expect to be a major league pitcher. This holds true in CrossFit. You can’t start training and in one year expect to be at Regionals. I hate to break it to you but experience really does matter. Sure there are exceptions but don’t count on being the exception. Count on hours and hours of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. When you got that down then worry about competing at a high level. I know this may come off as harsh for some of you. Remember that you come to P.C. to get better. It is my job to see to this and make sure you get the most out of your time at Precision. I want the best for you all and truly love coaching every one of you. I am an honest guy and that is why many of you love me, hahaha! See you in the gym!



400 M. Run or Row


2 Rounds

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Front Squats

10 High Pulls

10 Muscle Cleans




3 x 10 Supine BB Row

Pair With:

3 x 10 Hollow Rock Crunches


Dead Lift

Work up to 2 @ 85% 1RM


4 x 3 @ 65% (Touch and Go)

*Keep technique throughout the entire movement! DO NOT BREAK!





Cleans & Jerk (135/95) (115/75) (95/65) (75/55)



Hip & Shoulder Mobility

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