I received this awesome email from someone who read one of my articles on breaking muscle the other day. Funny thing was I was already planning to re-post the article this week as a reminder to everyone. It is very important to understand recovery and how to listen to ones body as well as know the difference between CrossFit the sport, and CrossFit the fitness regimen. This article has been shared and re-posted on multiple different outlets and I am super glad it has received so much acclaim and respect. I share with you all once again as a reminder and for those of you knew to Precision whom may not of read it. Many of the questions I get are in this article and I hope it helps you all. Please don’t hesitate to ask me for any clarification. Below you will find the link embedded in the email I received from a fellow coach. Enjoy and thank you!

###Please deliver to Mike Tromello###
I just read this article:
This is the most sensible and accurate body of work I’ve read amidst all the CrossFit Controversy (yes, I’m coining that as a proper name). Thank you for taking the time and chance to write an honest, well-thought-out, and truthful piece.
In a simplistic way…
If you like recreational football and that’s your way of being active, by all means, do it. That’s not to say you are going to don a full complement of pads and play in the NFL. Two very different things.
I think the distinction between the purpose of CrossFit as a GPP program and the CrossFit Games as a professional sport needs to continue to be discussed and stressed.
As CF has reached critical mass, and with the fanfare of the CFG, I think the average person might have a bit of trouble distinguishing between the GPP and Games aspects, and the line of delination among them. They see this superfit humans doing amazing “CrossFit” things, then join their local box and expect to do the same, right out of the gate. Let’s face it, athletes of any kind push the limits. They get injured at times but accept this risk. What good is it if a firefighter does an AMRAP one day, then can’t walk with his gear on the next day to go fight a fire?
Again, thanks…



3 Rounds

10 Air Squats

10 Push Ups

10 Pass Throughs


Mobilize Hips





Row for Max Meters

*Score is total meters completed. Compare to 7/2/14, 7/30/14 & 9/4/14

Work your oxidative system! Get better today!

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