Dear Precision members. One of our own, Sharon Fransen, was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. I have been waiting to tell you all due to Sharon’s privacy, and need to get additional details on her condition. Although, hearing the words breast cancer have been terrifying for her. It looks like it was caught early enough to where she will be ok. Sharon, has become a staple at Precision. She started with us in our endurance club. Only coming on Sundays for close to a year. When she finally decided to commit to us full time she became a regular in the 6am class. I also got the privilege to work with her privately for some time and really enjoyed our training sessions. Sharon has a deep desire for knowledge, and it was fun to chat with her coach to coach. As many of you probably do not know. Sharon has been a personal trainer for years and is a darn good one. Wall of Blue, Sharon will need some help paying for her treatments. I will be setting up a Go Fund Me on behalf of her. Please check for it and donate whatever you can to help her out. Sharon is a Mother, a wife, and an incredible human being. Let’s show her what our family is made of.
Fitness – Strength – Community

400 M. Run
10 Walking High Knee Holds
10 Walking Flamingos
10 Walking Lunges
10 Inch Worms
10 Side Lunges
10 High Kicks

ODD: 30 Sec. Wall Facing Handstand Hold
EVEN: 30 Sec. Hanging L Sit
40 Burpees
100 Double Unders
800 M. Run
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