
There has been quite a discussion lately in terms of when to and when not to train, in terms of the big picture. By “the big picture” I mean throughout the calendar year. I think this is a topic not covered nearly enough, so I wanted to give you all my take on it. In terms of mental sanity, I think it is extremely important to take time off. Take vacations and do not worry about training. Time off is good for the body and mind. So what if you drank too much or ate badly? Why must your whole life be about training? All elite athletes tend to take 1-2 months off a year before gearing up for next season’s training. However, CrossFit and weightlifting are founded on training. Because of this, it often blurs the line between being active and rest. This is why it is very important to have a plan. This plan should be based off of your goals for the year. If you are a Regional athlete, it should based around peaking for Regionals and resting after. If you are a National Weightlifter, it should be based around when Nationals is. If you are like most people, then it should be based around a big local competition that you are training for or maybe a competition season. The summers tend to be very heavy with competitions. So maybe you train to peak and compete over the summer and take some time off in the fall. If you do not compete at all, then maybe it is in prep of a wedding, vacation, reunion or something that you want to look sensational at. Give yourself an end point. Train hard until that point. Then take some time off. Lower that intensity, scale back a bit, and get out of the gym. Take a moment to enjoy what it means to be fit and healthy. This will help re-charge your mind. At this time you can re-assess the past year. Go back to the drawing board a bit and figure out what you want out of the next. We love CrossFit and weightlifting because age does not matter and we can compete/train our whole lives if we wish. This is awesome yet scary for a coach. We want to see you throwing down… but we do not want to see you get burned out either. Triathletes are very similar to CrossFitters because they too can compete year round at any age. However, even top triathletes take significant time off between big races to re-charge.

At Precision I program off the CrossFit Games Open. This gives me an end point for the gym, whether you do it or not. I need something to program for. It helps me assess progress and figure out where I want to go for the following year. However, just because I program towards one goal does not mean that we at Precision can’t help you achieve another goal. We can figure out when you should rest and train. We are now a few weeks into cycle 1 of the 2016-17 Macro-Calendar. Please trust and respect the process; listen to your bodies. Let us make adjustments for you when needed, and please know that it is ok to rest. See you in the gym and if we don’t, we hope you are on a vacation!

Fitness – Strength – Community


500 M. Row

3 Rounds

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Push Ups 

15 Air Squats


Hip Mobility


3 Rounds (At a walking pace)

Adv. / Int. =

5 Wall Facing Handstand Negatives (5 Sec.)

5 Dips w/ a  3 Sec. Negative

10 Bar Roll Outs

Scaled =

2 Wall Walks

5 Dip Negatives (As Slow as Possible)

10 Bar Roll Outs


Back Squat

65% x 5

70% 4 x 5



4 Rounds

10 Back Squats (225/155) (205/135) (185/125) (165/115)

400 M. Row

*Tit for Tat with a partner. If no partner. Rest 1 Minute between rounds.

**Score equals total time.


Mobilize & Roll

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